Monday, August 11, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

First, I have to admit I had never been a huge Joss Whedon fan, prior to the onset of Firefly. I didn't watch Buffy or Angel, but Firefly was one series that I really enjoyed. I especially loved Nathan Fillion as tough-skinned but soft-hearted Malcom Reynolds. And here he is, starring along with Neil Patrick Harris (second admission: I watched Doogie Howser, MD).

Third admission: I was totally turned off by the name "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog."
1. The name is too long for American attention spa....
2. Who cares about blogs? (hm, maybe I should re-think that.)
3. Is there a bouncing ball? How do I sing along?

Anyway, I decided to give it a shot. The premise is that a blonde cheerleader is humanity's single hope against evil (hmmm...remind anyone else of "save the cheerleader, save the world'?); Nathan Fillion a jerky, bully superhero, and NPH as a misfit, Walter Mitty-esque evil genius who is actually a sweet, shy man. Place on top of that songs, and some and superb, snappy dialogue....and you have Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blong. It's not perfect, but it definitely made me laugh.

So, if you missed the internet sensation, here's a little preview. The show is available via download from iTunes, or a DVD release is planned for the fall.

Official site:

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